Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Seven Mountains of Influence: Business featuring Quintus and Karen McDonald

The Seven Mountains of Influence: Business featuring Quintus and Karen McDonald
By Jahzara Bradley
(This interview has been previously published in Back2Eden News Mag)

   I had the opportunity to interview Quintus and Karen McDonald about business. They accommodated their schedules to assist me with this interview which is greatly appreciated. They were real and down to earth. Quintus formerly played in the NFL for the Indianapolis Colts and Karen works in Corporate America. The McDonalds are successful in business because their focus is not making a dollar but they realize when they serve and minister to others their blessings come from that.

Jahzara: What does it mean to you to be an entrepreneur?

Quintus McDonald:  To me an entrepreneur… it is a bit more than a business owner. I have found you have to blaze your own trail, your own path. I often think of people who are buying into a business who has a proven method. My perspective of an entrepreneur is one who has stepped out on faith and built something at a grass root level.

Karen McDonald: The biggest thing that it means is time freedom. I am really big on spending time with family and our church family and being an entrepreneur gives me the ability to have that time freedom.

Jahzara: Tell me a little bit about your background, work experiences and then how did you get into entrepreneurship?

Quintus McDonald: I posted a caption delivered on Instagram. Once upon a time, I used to drive across the George Washington Bridge in Spanish Harlem to deliver cocaine. I started selling drugs in high school. They called me the Candy Man. I have never talked about this publicly. I am now able to give back to people who have walked down the wrong path. I did not sell drugs when I was in college nor when I was in the NFL. At a point in time, I became my best client. I gave my life back to Christ. I actually gave my life to Christ as a child. In the 10th grade, I gave my soul to the adversary. 2007, I gave my life back to Christ and came out of the jungle. 2007, is when I started the entrepreneurship.
 I started I AM Recycling LLC 2007. I partnered with a group in Indianapolis with a group, We POWER. We would do what we call “Lunch and Lead” at Cosco in Castleton through a relationship with the general manager there.  The one thing that I take from the streets that I hold dear is entrepreneurialism. It is about building solid relationships. Both parties are bringing something to the table as well as receiving from the table.

Karen McDonald:  I entered corporate America back in 1993, it wasn’t rewarding. I felt like something was missing. I was introduced to entrepreneurship via Primerica. I started with that back in ’93. From there I always wanted my own. So in 1997, while still working in Corporate America, I had a child and I recall my mom was sick and my manager was not accommodating to me. I needed to get the afternoon off. She stated that she had to go to the doctor with her child [adult child.] It almost felt like an ultimatum. At that point, I knew I needed a plan B. That was like the turning point for me.

Jahzara: What keeps you energized and motivated? The opportunity to help people.

Quintus McDonald: With the consulting company, putting together marketing plans. If you visit http://nittanysportshuddle.com/  you will see our platform which is integrated into social media as well. I am excited to be in a position to help people brand. It is exciting to find ways and means to help our clients meet their goals.
I AM RECYCLING LLC- we help people. We help people with their energy bills, petroleum bills. I get energized when I see an opportunity to help people. Maybe I was their first choice but if [I was not and now they are coming to me] then it is good that I was able to help them. Service…being able to serve is what really energizes me.

Karen McDonald: I think the fact knowing that I helped someone with my massage practice and with wellness. For me it’s not about the money but hearing my clients say that the feel better. Hearing my clients excitement is so rewarding.

Jahzara: So, Quintus, I think I know what you’re going to say but I have to ask you… what kingdom principles are connected to business?

Quintus McDonald: Service.

Jahzara: I thought you would say that, Quintus. Karen, what kingdom principles do you feel are connected to business?

Karen McDonald:  Integrity. Every business should have integrity as its foundation.

Jahzara: Quintus, what words of advice or encouragement do you have for believers related to business?

Quintus McDonald: Integrity. Keep integrity. Acting and living a life of integrity is important. Working and helping from a place of honesty and integrity is key. Stand by your numbers. Don’t bow down to pressure. If you know that your product is worth what you say it is, stand by it. Don’t give in on prices. You know what you’re worth stand on it and stand firm on what you believe.

Jahzara: What foundational scripture(s) do you use for your business?

Quintus McDonald: Matthew 26:33. That is the foundation of it all. I really like Proverbs 3:5-6. God gives me the vision, the vision comes. I call that my dance. When I allow God to lead the dance, there is much less turbulence in my life. I rest in that. The aforementioned are two of the many scriptures. Matt 26:33 speaks loud and resonates with my spirit. His will is for me to serve on this earth. My gifts and talents are limited but I try to do the most with the capacity that I have.

Karen McDonald: Every day I start with “I can do all things through Christ which strengthens me.” So I am like He has given me this vision so I know that I can do it.

Jahzara Bradley is an authorpreneur as well as creativesseur. She is the author of the series My Love Won’t Last Forever, Crazy Faith, The Diva’s Dating Assessment Tool Girl, PLEASE!, Never Would Have Made It: A Testimony of What God Has Done in My Life. She is the Awesomely Amazing hostess of the radio show, Awesomely Amazing which is hosted on Josi’s Inspirational Network on Thursdays. Connect with Jahzara at https://www.facebook.com/jahzarabradley.   Visit her website to experience Tranquil Bliss https://www.tranquilbliss.net.

Saturday, June 22, 2019




JAHZARA BRADLEY: Tell us a little bit about who Naomi Washington- Yates is...

NAOMI WASHINGTON- YATES: I’m the daughter of the Most High. I’m a queen of a king, a mother,  grandmother, a sister, a friend to all, and  Madear’s daughter.

JAHZARA BRADLEY:  What is an interesting fact about you that you would like our readers to know?

NAOMI WASHINGTON- YATES:  I would like for readers to know that I am compassionate and full of love, always up for a good time, and I  love writing stories

JAHZARA BRADLEY:   So, we know that you like to write stories. Side Chick… how did you come up with the title?

NAOMI WASHINGTON- YATES:  I met a young lady in line at a store. She had tears in her eyes and we just began talking. It started off as small talking. A little ways into the conversation she began to tell her story of pain. Her husband had left for a young woman after 30years of marriage. That’s just one of many stories that I know of, and then there’s my own personal experience of being a Side Chick.

JAHZARA BRADLEY: Wow.  Why did you write the book Side Chick?

NAOMI WASHINGTON- YATES:  I wrote Side Chick to send a message to ALL the Side Chicks in my our words. I want to tell them how they are taking so many shorts. I want these ladies to know they are cursing their lives. I wrote Side Chick to convict, convert, empower women and help them t tap into their spiritual side.

JAHZARA BRADLEY:  That is great, Naomi. How has writing Side Chick impacted your life?

NAOMI WASHINGTON- YATES:  Oh wow, writing Side Chick has impacted my life in so many ways. I have been in awe as to the many emails, phone calls, texts messages, & other forms of communication from my readers letting me know how this book has helped them to make better choices. In a couple of conversations, some Side Chicks expressed to me that from reading my book it convicted them and they were getting out of the relationship.  Hearing stories like those, make me feel that my book is doing what it was written to do: Convict & Convert. 

JAHZARA BRADLEY:  What do you want your readers to take away from Side Chick?

NAOMI WASHINGTON- YATES:  I want everyone who reads this book to walk away knowing that they are so much better than a second place position. I want them to know that they are beautiful and shouldn’t be hidden. Also, I want them to consider that one day the Side Chick is going to be someone’s leading lady and then the Side Chick slot is going to be open. I want readers to ponder this question: do you want to experience the pain that you caused in someone’s life when you were a Side Chick?

JAHZARA BRADLEY:  That is a profound question that you leave readers with.  
What other projects are your working on?

NAOMI WASHINGTON- YATES: I’m currently working on the sequel, hopefully, it will out very soon.

JAHZARA BRADLEY:  Tell our readers how they can contact you.

NAOMI WASHINGTON- YATES: Facebook: Naomi Washington-Yates
    Instagram & Twitter: Hebrew13four 
     Email me @ : Hebrew13four@gmail.com

Jahzara Bradley is an authorpreneur as well as creativesseur. She is the author of the series My Love Won’t Last Forever, Crazy Faith, The Diva’s Dating Assessment Tool Girl, PLEASE!, Never Would Have Made It: A Testimony of What God Has Done in My Life. She is the Awesomely Amazing hostess of the radio show, Awesomely Amazing which is hosted on Josi’s Inspirational Network on Thursdays. Connect with Jahzara at https://www.facebook.com/jahzarabradley.  Visit her website to experience Tranquil Bliss https://www.tranquilbliss.net.