Sunday, September 8, 2019

Fall In Love with Tranquil Bliss Hand Sanitizers

                 FALL IN LOVE WITH
                50% OFF REGULAR PRICE

Washing hands is still one of the best ways to protect yourself and others from picking up viruses including the flu. But, what if there is no sink nearby? What if you're in a rush?
Tranquil Bliss Hand Sanitizers are alcohol-free hand sanitizers made with natural ingredients, essential oils and anti-bacterial agents that – unlike alcohol-based sanitizers – will not dry out the skin. (The weather is changing and the last thing anyone needs is to fight the flu with dry, cracked hands!)

Tranquil Bliss Hand Sanitizers are also longer-lasting when compared to alcohol-based sanitizers. This means your hands are protected from germs found on sinks, doorknobs, keyboards, land-line phones, printers and other places in the workplace that you’re forced to share with co-workers. So when Billy in accounting may not always wash his hands, you’re still protected when he passes the Susan’s “surprise” birthday card to you, for a signature.
Giving out handshakes and fist bumps? Break out the hand sanitizer. Micromanaging? Sanitize those hands before tapping on shoulders.

And you know what? If more people would invest in hand sanitizers and keep them “handy” in their workspaces, imagine how productivity will improve. If folks aren’t getting sick, chances are, neither will you. 

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