Nicole Bradley Candle Co was born from a passion for holistic wellness and the desire to create a haven of tranquility in today's fast-paced world. Our brand is a tribute to the belief that every individual deserves a slice of serenity in their lives. We invite you to join us on the journey as we illuminate the path to relaxation one candle at a time.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Your Walking Billboard Interviews Jack Lieske, Candidate for Mayor (Gary, Indiana)
Your Walking Billboard Interviews Gordon Keith

Your Walking Billboard's Director of Fun&Action interviews Gordon Keith. Gordon Keith is the gentleman who discovered the Jackson 5.
"Tell us Your Business and we'll put it out there."- Your Walking Billboard. To order a Your Walking Billboard campaign contact us at Visit us at
Your Walking Billboard
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
7-3-10: When you enemy shows up don't act a fool, laugh in his/her face and keep it moving.
7-4-10: If it sounds like a lie it probably is a lie.
7-5-10: Invest in yourself.
7-6-10: Create a date on the cheap. You say date and some guys go into a frenzy. So today's tip is a little lengthy and is for the guy who is on a budget. Memorable dates don't mean expensive.
Here are few from Jahzara's archives.
- A picnic at the beach. Pick up subs from one of my favorite sponsors, Quiznos. Make the
atmosphere romantic by purchasing a Soul Purpose Candle. (Jahzara's Candle for
July is the Ghanaian Brown Sugar Candle.) Massage the oil into her skin.
- An evening at the park with a blanket, Soul Purpose candle, and feed her some fruit.
(Pineapples, grapes, watermelon and apple slices.)
- Go old school with it and get the Super Soakers out and wet each other up at the
beach. Build sand castles and don't forget to let everyone know that you were there
by leaving your names in the sand.
*purchase your Soul Purpose Ghanain Brown Sugar Candle from
7-7-10: When is the last time McDonald's, Burger King or any fast food restaurant let you sample the food before you decided to buy it? I'm waiting! So, why let him sample it before he decides he wants to make a commitment? If he really wants to be with you then you're worth waiting for, right? I can hear somebody say, "Well, what if he moves on to the next one and he could've been mine?"
Hear me when I say, "Most of these butter slick talking dudes were going to only
sample and when they got tired move on to the next one anyway." Keep your
goodies to yourself and get the commitment. Suppose you gave your goodies to
him and he wasn't so good. Okay, let me stop because that's another subject in
7-8-10: Forget about what "THEY" say. Do what you need to do to be happy and productive. Misery loves company and you have to decide that you won't be in the midst. If you listen to "THEY" too long you'll find yourself in situations you'd never thought you'd be in. You'll be miserable trying to satisfy "THEY." So again forget about what "THEY" say.
7-10-10: The day that I determined I wouldn't let it kill me was the day that I truly began to live. I had a dream about a month ago and I saw these words "It's Just Life." Sometimes we get all bent out of shape and about things and really we shouldn't. Easier said than done. Trust me I know. However, in life things just happen and we must determine if we're going to let it kill or us or will we live and overcome circumstances. So many things happened to me in a short span of time and I literally wanted to die. I would go to sleep and think that I would wake up in heaven. I would wake up the next morning only to find myself alive with the same circumstances. One day when I woke up, I decided not to be agitated and since I was going to live I would live my life to the fullest. Choose life.